1. Work on your soft skills
People do business with people they like
It's important to know how to work with others, view other people's perspective and be able to come to a mutually beneficial agreement
Practice listening skills. Most people respond without listening
2. Find Mentors
Look for 2-3 mentors that can help you acquire new skills
Mentors are great at providing constructive feedback and areas of development
Make your relationship with your mentors mutually beneficial by offering help
3. Expand Your Network
Networking can be awkward but necessary in expanding your circle
Select events to attend that are alighted with your professional and career growth goals
Create genuine relationships with people; they are more likely to help that way
4. Work on your career development plan
With your mentors and supervisors, put together a career development plan
Define short and long term goals for yourself
Under each goal, define milestones you will need to reach to accomplish these goals
5. Establish yourself as a thought leader
What comes up when you google your name?
Make sure your Linkedin profile is updated as it will come up on google search
Write articles on www.Medium.com or your own blog post
Creating content and posting on social media websites and blogs allows you to create a robust online presence for yourself
6. Understand the difference between important work and busy work
Work smarter, not just harder
Make sure that the work that you are doing is aligned with the goals and objectives of the company you are working for
Understand how the work you are doing fits the greater mission, vision and goals of the company you work at