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A 5-Step Formula To Your First Leadership Role
4 week live coaching program

Who is this for

Women who are eager to be promoted or take the next step up from entry-level to a manager position.


A 4-week live coaching program that delivers a step-by-step plan to secure a well-deserved promotion and increase in your salary.

Do you experience any of these:
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  • I don’t know how to promote myself and the work I am doing.

  • I don’t know what I need to do to navigate the politics of my organization.

  • I’m afraid I will get a no and don’t know what to do after I get a no.

  • Feeling insecure and like an imposter.

  • Have been passed over for promotions by other folks who are less qualified with less experience.

Benefits to you:
  1. You can create an impression that marks you out for a promotion before you know it.

  2. You will be spoken about on glowing terms because of your new approach to work.

  3. You will learn how to advocate for yourself by showcasing your efforts and contributions.

  4. You will execute your transition from an individual contributor to a leader with support and encouragement

  5. You will have 100% confidence in your ability to step up and manage people and situations.

I designed this program after interviewing women who are feeling stuck in their current positions and don’t feel like they have a roadmap to a promotion. These quotes represent the struggles I heard consistently:
  1. I don’t know where to start and feel overwhelmed with the process.

  2. I feel I'm hitting the ceiling - it is as if there are some invisible rules that I am not aware of.

  3. I feel like I’m not part of the right boys’ club and this is annoying because I know I'm a super star performer.

  4. I am afraid if I ask and don’t get it, it will have a negative impact on my current job.

  5. I don’t know how to promote myself and my work and I feel stuck in the rank-in-file department.

If these challenges resonate, act today and register! It will transform your confidence.

Who is this for

The program is designed around a busy professional’s schedule:
4 weeks with <Xh work / week


Every week you will create concrete deliverables which will unlock the next phase
Week #1:

Managing up to your boss and establishing sponsor relationships

Week # 3

Coming to a mutually beneficial agreement on the type of promotion you are seeking

Week #3:

Building confidence and a framework to ask for a promotion

Handling rejection and creating a plan to walk around it.

Week #4:

Building confidence and a framework to ask for a promotion

Merit level (within your current department)
To a different department or business unit


Exclusive content and networking opportunities: Every week I lead a live expert group call via Zoom, to give feedback, answer questions and coach you

Register here for November 18th cohort

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Alumni results and testimonials:

Sam D
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I always wanted to get promoted and become a manager. Armida and CareerBloom helped me understand what my boss is looking for in a new manager, what I need to focus on and how to generate results that got me a promotion and a pay raise. Thank you, CareerBloom. Happy I came across you.

Angela M
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Got a job and a promotion 3 month after I enrolled into the cohort with Armida and CareerBloom. Everything I needed to know about how to prepare for the interviews, things to say during the interviews, what employers want to hear, how and what to do first 2-3 months on the new job. CareerBloom covers it all! Highly recommend it!

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Admission is

Next cohort begins on November 18th with live coaching sessions on 11/18, 12/02, 12/09, 12/15

What if it is not for me?

I stand 100% behind this program and I am offering a 100% money back guarantee. If by the end of the first week (before live call #2) you discover it's not for you, let me know and I will refund all of your $.

Register here for November 18th cohort

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About the Coach

I’m the Founder & CEO at CareerBloom, helping you accelerate your career through a 5 step formula. I’ve implemented this program by working with many companies by helping them build and retain high performing teams through leadership development programs. I’m a certified communication and conflict analyses and resolution mediator who has partnered with companies and their executives to provide new manager and director level employees with essential skills to grow their careers and establish visionary leadership skills.

I have been featured on the panel of professional development experts in media outlets like NBC Chicago, Tech Trends, Professionals in Human Recourses Association, Reader’s Digest, MSN News, MSN Money, Yahoo Lifestyle and Tasty Trade/Bootstrapping in America.


Register here for November 18th cohort

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